Mission, Vision and Strategic Objectives

Mission and Vision

The LiNK Association is the initiator of economic development in Herzegovina, which:
– gathers entrepreneurs, advocates / represents their interest and interest of other small businesses, provides them with direct, informative, business-consulting and financial support and support for growth and development,
– provides support to local authorities and stakeholders in the strategic planning, preparation, and implementation of development projects,
– works on systematic improvement of the business environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina through partnership activities.

The LiNK is a center for the development of entrepreneurship and small businesses in Herzegovina, a self-sustainable, representative and competent organization that initiates development adhering to the principles of sustainable development.

Strategic Objectives
– To be a representative of interest of members of the association and strategic partners.
– To be self-sustainable by navigating the changes that (will) strengthen the internal organization of work and the cooperation with external stakeholders with the aim to strengthen the achieved self-sustainability
– To be competent in providing the quality knowledge-based services.
– To be an initiator of development in a broader environment.